When there is suspicion that there might be asbestos containing materials (ACM) inside your home or building you can verify such suspicion by contacting a licensed contractor. They can evaluate the material in order to confirm the presence of asbestos. The other option is to carefully take a sample and send it to a certified laboratory that can run the test. Not all laboratories have the proper equipment to run such tests. In order to obtain a list of certified laboratories you can contact the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). To find an asbestos remover specialist you can use the internet to obtain a list of certified contractors. It is of high importance that the contractor follows all safety rules.

Why Remove Asbestos?
Asbestos was first used commercially in the mid 19th century. It had many appealing characteristics that were helpful in the manufacturing and construction industries. After many years of heavy use the people who had come in contact with asbestos and ACMs started to get ill and even dying. It was been proven that once the asbestos fibers enter the respiratory system, they can cause asbestosis, lung cancer, and mesothelioma which can all lead to a fatal death. There have been cases when the asbestos has remained untouched and intact and has not produced any harm. However most of the time inhabitants or building owners don't want to take any chances and decide to remove all of it once and for all in order to prevent any future health problems.
Can I Remove Asbestos Legally?
Yes. It is legal to remove asbestos however prior to starting the removal project you must contact the local authorities in order to obtain regulatory information. There are different agencies located throughout the country that can provide detailed information on how to go about the removal. Since asbestos is harmful to humans the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has passed two laws in regards of this material and its exposure; the two laws are the Clean Air Act and the Toxic Substances Control Act which strive to keep a clean atmosphere free of asbestos. People who remove asbestos must to do so with the utmost care and protection to avoid exposure.
What Can I Expect if I Contract Out the Work?
If you hire a licensed contractor you can expect somebody who has vast experience removing asbestos in a safely and effective manner. It is recommended to investigate about the contractor that you choose and verifying their credentials. The contracted asbestos remover will seal off the area and should ensure that there will be no exposure to the asbestos. They will lay plastic sheets on the floor and cover up all electric wires with tape. The workers should be well protected with coveralls, wearing goggles, boots, gloves, and respirators. After all asbestos has been removed they should properly dispose of all the material in sealed bags and later transported to a landfill that accepts asbestos. Expect them to verify that there is no asbestos left.