As everyone knows that asbestos is a dangerous, carcinogenic substance that must be handled with the utmost care during removal, how exactly does one remove asbestos? If you've got asbestos containing materials (ACM's) in your home or office, for the safety of all people exposed, get it removed and properly disposed by a professional.

The Undying DIY Project
Asbestos may not intimidate you because you think clearing one house up with a mask on won't permanently damage you: if this sounds like you, you've totally misread the problem. Asbestos fibers are super-tiny and when they get into your lungs they get wet and heavy immediately, potentially permanently lodging into your lungs or esophagus. There is no "safe level" of asbestos inhalation and if you find yourself asking, "how do I remove asbestos easily without risking my health or the health of my family?" you've got one clear option.
Hiring Out for Asbestos Removal
When it's time to stack companies up against each other to see who offers the most comprehensive package and lowest quote, consider a few things when hiring. First, experience plays a huge role in this field of work. Having a team come out that has cleared asbestos out of dozens of commercial properties without any health issues arising in their labor force means the company is thorough, reputable and concerned about their employees' collective health. Any company in this industry is aware of exposure risk factors and will take all necessary steps to ensure the proper, sealed disposal of asbestos products. Look through consumer advocacy group testimonials for a great inside look at some of the companies that you're considering hiring. Between checking experience and checking testimonials you'll be able to get a good feel for which is your preferred asbestos removal company.
What is the Process of Removing Asbestos?
To remove asbestos you need to saturate it first so it becomes heavy and will not cloud up in the air when moved as debris. Some types of asbestos are easy to keep saturated because they are water-soluble whereas some types require a steady misting to be safe to handle. When moving ACMs it's best to remove them in large pieces. All air systems have to be accounted for; ducts leading between rooms have to be sealed off for maximum isolation of the area where asbestos will be flying around while being removed. Clothing while worn removing asbestos should be breathable plastic body suits so that they can be thrown out after the work is done.
Go Professional or Suffer Consequences
While these are simple steps there are distinct reasons why hiring an asbestos abatement team will be easier and less costly in the long run. They know how to maneuver while geared up properly, they're familiar with the level of moisture required before asbestos is safe to handle and they've gotten efficient over years of working in the removal industry. Rather than risk a DIY mistake that could put your family at risk, hire a professional.