San Antonio is the city that is visited the most by tourists each year in Texas. It is the second largest city of the state and has a population that goes over 1.33 million. The architecture of the city comes from many different backgrounds however most of them were made following Spanish and Mexican derivations. The city was founded over 150 years ago therefore there is a lot of valuable, old buildings. Although it is very nice to be able to maintain older buildings, a lot of them might carry asbestos containing materials. If such is the case, it is suggested to contact an asbestos remover to clean the building.

San Antonio, TX Massacre – Asbestos Related Deaths
Asbestos had been used for building and manufacturing materials for quite a while until people started drying from it. Even still, laws didn't ban it until hundreds of people had lost their lives to it. Once inhaled, the asbestos fibers stick to the respiratory system developing diseases such as lung cancer, asbestosis, and mesothelioma. Asbestos has become some sort of hidden killer who has massacred hundreds of Texans over the years. According to the state's statistics in 2002 they reported 259 deaths due to asbestosis and mesothelioma which are diseases caused by asbestos. Statistics also showed that from 1979 to 2002 the rate of deaths had been increasing and there is fear that the numbers will continue to go up.
Eliminating Asbestos in Your Home
The best way to permanently remove asbestos from your home is by hiring a licensed contractor. The contractor should be trained in inspecting and identifying the presence of asbestos in a home or building and afterwards they should be ready to continue with the removal project. Contractors usually refer to the removal action as a project; they outline the steps to follow which are in essence the same for every project. They should contain and seal off the area to be worked on because it is their job to not let any asbestos leave the room. They must also bring all protective gear in order to protect their own health and they should also have the proper packages in order to dispose of the waste. Getting ready of asbestos should be done sooner and not later.
Contracting Out to the Right Professional
There are many tools that one can use when searching for an asbestos removal contractor. The old fashioned way of word of mouth still comes in handy of course; if you have any relatives or acquaintances that give you a good review on a contractor be sure to consider hiring them. However if this is not the case, you can use the internet to research the available contractors in your area. On the internet you should be able to find what other clients have experienced when contracting a licensed remover. Some contractors will allow you to request an estimate online while others will ask you to give them a call and discuss with them what your plans are.