One of the main origins of asbestos containing materials is any product used for indoor air insulations. Asbestos was so popular among the building industry that many materials had asbestos as part of their mix. Buildings that have been built in the last fifty years or so contain many of these materials, due to their special characteristics ACMs were widely used until banned. One of the most common ACMs found in California is ceiling insulation. For this reason there are many asbestos removal contractors who are ready to help with the eradication of this material.

Sweet, Southern California Air – Not Quite
Asbestos deaths are higher in some areas of the United States, especially in those cities or states where there activities such as mining or manufacturing. Many former workers had to deal directly with the manufacturing of materials that contained asbestos which put them at risk right on the spot. Others were in the actual mines where the mineral was being extracted from. Unfortunately California is one of those places where the deaths, due to asbestos rises to about 40,000 to 60,000 going back to 1979. It is sad to compare sweet California to Alaska where deaths reported rise to only about 50. More lawsuits and lawyers have been working cases related to asbestos in Cali.
Employing the Proper Disposal of Asbestos
If you're planning to remove asbestos or any asbestos containing material from your home, it is highly recommended that you contact a certified asbestos removal company. It is not illegal for you to do it on your own, but it is rather difficult to protect yourself and your family if you decide to take the matter in your own hands. There are measures that need to be taken such as proper containment of the area, proper garments to wear while performing the removal, the proper disposal, and the proper transportation of the asbestos waste. Since asbestos is hazardous it can't be disposed along with regular waste, it needs to be sent to a legally appointed hazardous waste landfill.
What To Expect When the Contractor Comes
When you have made contact with your preferred contractor expect them to first inspect the area in order for them to determine that asbestos is in fact present. Once it has been determined that asbestos is present and is subject of removal, they shall appoint a date for the removal project. On that day all furniture will be moved and plastic sheets will be covering the containing area. They will also kill all electronic appliances and their tools should be connected to an external power source because all wires should be taped up. They should be properly dressed with protective coveralls and wearing boots, gloves, and respirators. Once they remove all the waste they should package it properly leaving nothing behind. All packaged waste should be put properly transported to the proper landfill. At the landfill the person in charge should check that all waste was brought sealed in order to receive it.